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May 16, 2021 Meride...
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May 16, 2021 Meriden Motorcycle Club fun event... details to follow

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Update: Weather is looking great for the weekend. We have confirmed riders from all around the region, so some friendly faces you know are likely to be here for this first 2021 event. Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. Note, you don't need to be a NETA member to join us for the day, just an active AMA member.

The 10 sections are set up. We'll be setting up the youth sections close to the club later this week so parents/minders won't have to walk very far. Along the regular loop we'll also be setting up some loop cutoffs for those unable to ride a few of the trickier sections of the loop (though everyone but youth will still be doing the Boneyard).

edit: And in case you missed it, you can pay on Sunday if you have not pre-registered by Thursday of this week. The bonus for those who pre-register (since it helps us out) is that they get lunch included. If you pay on Sunday there is lunch stuff available to buy at usual inexpensive club prices. (the usual is a couple bucks for a burger or hot dog, $1 for water or soda).

Oh and in case I didn't mention it before, we will be taking $5 parking donations at the driveway/2nd bridge, 100% of which go to the Nerden Camp for people with intellectual disabilities. The club has been supporting this worthy cause for decades, and many of you have donated over the years to help keep the camp going. See http://www.campnerden.com for more info.

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Thanks everyone who came out for an awesome day in the woods! While it was dampened a little bit by the rainshower at midday, it seemed like everyone had a good time. I certainly heard many people saying they were out of bike-shape, having not ridden an event in 18 months or more. Of course the fun nature of this event meant that some people rode each section multiple times back-to-back until they were able to score a point (ride a section cleanly), and this made that first loop take what seemed like forever for the folks waiting at the clubhouse!

If I can get access to the scoreboard, I'll post it. There were 3 riders at the top of the scoreboard that I can recall - Wayne, Abe and Joe B. After several loops I think they each had well over 200 points.

Feel free to leave any comments in reply here. Or you can reach out to me at or to the trialsmaster Chris.

Hope to see many of you in Brimfield in June for the first NETA championship event, and back at MMC at some point later this season (date still TBD).

David reacted
Joe Belliveau
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Hats off to Chris and all of MMC for an awesome event!!! GREAT Terrain as usual and it was great to be out in the woods after a long hiatus.  Please include more sections in the OPTIONAL HERO area in future NETA events.  

Sturat reacted
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Congrats to Wayne Galvin for being da winna.

What a first loop by Ken Turner. And great to see all the scores from Bob, Joe, Abe and everyone.

Joe, thanks for the feedback on the HERO section. We really enjoyed making it and getting a chance to try out a section we haven't seen in decades. I'm sure it will make an appearance at future MMC events.

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