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May 16, 2021 Meride...
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May 16, 2021 Meriden Motorcycle Club fun event... details to follow

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Details for the fun event at MMC on Sunday May 16, 2021 are shaping up now, and we'll be sharing more in this forum post. Stay tuned for more details. However it shapes up, you can expect the usual MMC fun with plenty of challenging sections, a great loop, mud if it has been raining and a loop that goes through the boneyard.

If you have any questions about the event, please ask here in this thread. There are a few Meriden members on this forum who will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Again, more details below.

edit: if you are planning on coming and have not pre-registered (instructions below) please contact Chris Antezzo at 203-671-2096 (call or text) or so we can get a headcount.

Registration opens at 9. Riding starts immediately upon completion of registration.

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The Meriden club has a really long history with trials. Below is an image from one of our trials events in 1964.

David reacted
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And so just for fun we created a similar style poster for this upcoming event! We're trying to have a ton of fun with this event and we hope you really enjoy this one.

StanBo and David reacted
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While the poster above is all in fun, and there are a lot of details about the event still being worked on, so far we have some details.

  • Youth sections will be available near the club. Participation trophies will be awarded.
  • The loop is longer than usual, taking riders places they haven't been in many years (decades?). There will be alternate easier/shorter cutoff loops available.
  • The "style" of the event is modeled after a Scottish trial. Our trials master Chris A. is orienting the sections on every available stream though most sections seem to have a drier easier route.
  • Moreland Gate Scoring has different strategies for winning than a competitive points event. If you have any questions about how the scoring works, ask here in this forum or private message @fprintf.
  • Because this is a fun gate trial you don't have to ride anything. Pick and choose what you'd like to ride. Skip a stream section if you don't feel you want to get your feet wet. Or go for maximum points and really challenge yourself in a no-pressure fun warmup for the 2021 competition season.
  • Adding to the available fun, you can ride as many loops as you would like. So if you are really motivated for a day out in the woods and having fun, keep going (until the event closes around 3 pm). The person who accumulates the most points is the winner!

StanBo and David reacted
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Hi, I am new to the club and live in southern VT. Is there camping available in the area or should I start looking for lodging?

thanks, Frank.

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Off topic, but in reference to a statement in an earlier message in this thread.  The NETA forums do not currently support "private messages".  If there's interest, we can purchase the "private message" add-on for our forum software, it's not terribly expensive. $35/year.

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Posted by: @frankwadelton

Hi, I am new to the club and live in southern VT. Is there camping available in the area or should I start looking for lodging?

thanks, Frank.

Hi Frank, welcome to the club! Yes, there is primitive camping available for the Saturday night before the event.


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When you say primitive camping, will there be out houses? 

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Yep there is usually a porta-potty just outside the club entrance at the beginning of our events season (this is the 2nd event of our season).

As for the club location, it is 4 or 5 miles away from Cromwell/Middletown/Meriden which has Mickey Ds, Dunkin, gas stations, grocery stores etc.

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Pre-registration is available for this event now. The entry fee is $35 and includes lunch for those who pre-register by Thursday, May 13th. Registration on the day of the event is available however lunch is not included.

To pre-register:

1. Email the following information to Chaz Drinkwater at:

  • Your name
  • Your mailing address
  • Your payment name from PayPal or Venmo (sometimes it is different)
  • Your AMA number and expiration date

2. Send $35 via paypal or venmo to Chaz Drinkwater @

  • venmo: @chaz0125
  • paypal:

If paying by PayPal please choose the "friends and family" option so that we don't get an extra service charge.

Any payment questions please contact Chaz at the email above. If you have any event questions you can contact Chris Antezzo at 203-671-2096 (call or text) or

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I forgot to add:

Preregistration is appreciated so that we can get a count of how many riders we'll have so we can plan on how much food to order, to double check AMA membership/waivers and speed up the morning for everyone. 

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Do I need to contact someone in advance to park a small motor home?

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Yep, good idea. That way you can get instructions on where to park, what time the gates will be open etc. I recommend if you have any event questions you can contact Chris Antezzo at 203-671-2096 (call or text) or .

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An update and a request:

1. If folks are paying by PayPal, can you please select "friends and family" so we don't get nailed with a service charge?

2. If you are planning on coming to the event and paying on the day of the event, please contact Chris Antezzo so we can start getting a headcount.

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