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Plastic ribbon - ge...
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Plastic ribbon - getting more expensive (and wasteful too)

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We just stocked up on ribbon for several of our upcoming NETA events. $1.74 a roll when purchased in bulk, and we use about 30 rolls per event. While not crazy money it wasn't that long ago that it was $1 a roll. We spent over $270 on various colors of ribbon that is just going to get tossed in the trash.

NETA rules say the section needs to be entirely outlined by 1" white ribbon

  1. 1)  Section boundaries must be marked by WHITE ribbon.

I feel that this *can* be wasteful when there is a natural barrier, such as a swamp or cliff face. But probably the outcome should be just smaller sections, not the usual 2-acre sections some of our trials masters are used to setting!

I know other regions nearby and across the country don't require white ribbon outlining the entirety of the section. Many don't use white ribbon at all, preferring to use flags. I'm newer to the sport and this region, so please excuse the question, but why do we do this here? Is there room for future flexibility given the waste of money and creation of plastic waste?
