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Let's get going!

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Yes, your competitors "purchase" the balls to throw using points which are added to their score for the section.

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  • @metal_jd stay tuned to this site. This may be the NETA site but fun events and non-NETA events should pop up here with a disclaimer they are not NETA events. One purpose of the site is to promote trials. Every club’s plans are still up in the air at this point. The only firm event I know of is a school at a facility in metro west Mass.
  • https://fb.me/e/22j5jfcPJ
This post was modified 3 years ago by Dan Williams

Metal_JD reacted
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@dan-williams > We do have 4 official NETA Events on the schedule for 2021 thus far ,,, More will be forthcoming I'm sure. The current land use permits for the RITC are taking more time than usual to obtain, but I hear they will soon be on the schedule with more events for late summer/ early fall. No doubt the Fun events will be shared here as well to help our riders find some peg time with others in the meantime.

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When I posted the SMC event I posted it as an Event. At that time an even now there are still a lot of unanswered questions about the COVID restrictions that will be in place in early June, 2021. My hope is that it will be a normal NETA event. That said I am working out how the SMC can host either a NETA event or a fun event. We are working on a preregistration system that will allow less person to person contact as well as limiting the number of riders. Just this week Massachusetts announced that after March 22 the maximum number of participants at an outdoor event is 150, that is the number the will allow the SMC to host an NETA event. As soon as it becomes clear if the event will be NETA or fun. I will  let everyone know.

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There is a duality in NETA. The two main functions are promotion of the sport of trials and the organizing of a regional championship. Ostensibly to promote trials. There are many facets to each of these and it’s important to remember NETA does not dictate but must serve the interest of three groups by facilitating what’s best for all. Riders, clubs and landholders are all critical to the future of the sport and the loss of support from any of the three dooms the sport. As with any internal debate in NETA it’s important to remember all have the same concern for the continued success of NETA and trials. Such passion as we have for this sport inevitably leads to spirited discussion. As difficult as it is to believe this is important in a healthy organization. One needs only to look at the disasters that have befallen organizations where everyone agrees or is afraid to disagree. Soon the snow will melt and we can all go out and ride. If not in large events at least with a few buddies. Then we’ll remember WHY we’re passionate about this sport and we can get back to arguing about important stuff like red/blue vs stupid white ribbon. 

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I have know Dr. Hub Brennan for 45 years. We were in High School together, and I worked professionally with him for 10 years as a firefighter. When he left the fire service, to attend med school, it was a loss for our fire department. His selfless contributions to Rhode Island Trials Club, NETA, NATC, has helped these organizations become the gold standard in the trials community. He is on the board of directors of the American Motorcycle Association, and is also a member of the International Medical Commission of the FIM, the governing body for Trials Riding world wide. For anyone to say that he is in someone's pocket, is completely wrong and uninformed. We all miss riding,and hope the NETA season will begin soon. Like myself, many riders are older, and with that comes underlying medical issues. We all need to safe. Keep your feet up, and I hope to see you all soon! 

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Well said Bill!

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