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Good idea David, anything to get a discussion going on setting up a schedule.

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Posted by: @leooshea

I am looking for suggestions. If there is good registration software solutions already available great. There is some time between now and June but if the details of how to do an event while COVID is still around are not worked out this spring we may not be able to hold the event. 



You can possibly do this using MailChimp.  It has a "Signup Forms" feature, which I haven't explored.  I have been using MailChimp for broadcast messages to the NETA membership using one of their free accounts.  Leo, I can provide you the login credentials to our MailChimp account if you want to take a look around.  Also, I'm somewhat familiar with MailChimp and would happy to help figure out of it's a viable solution (so long as it doesn't involve running, jumping or climbing stairs).

{yellow}:nerd: .

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@dscarbro so you’re like an old Dr. Who Dalek. Travel the galaxy and destroy entire planets but can be stopped by a flight of stairs.

We may need to consider spectators and workers will need to do on-line waiver too. Good question for the AMA how spectators and workers can be handled by on-line waivers but I suspect they are still trying to figure it out as well.

David reacted
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Jitsie released a video on how one trial club in the UK handled events during the pandemic and offers a few interesting ideas that could be possible options for event registration, section scoring etc. 
Here a few links:

Also, Zoom could provide a means for us to hold meetings etc. until we get back to some normalcy. 

Scott B.

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I've also got some ideas for contact-less trials that I can share at our next SMC meeting in February.  

Mike R.

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@leooshea.   Thank you Leo for being strong and trying to move forward.  I tried pretty hard to show Stu several ways to restart but he is resisting without explaining why.  It was public... on the GSMT Facebook page.  He keeps telling me to stop using that venue and go here.  Ha ha.  I guess so nobody reads it.

Stu is scared stiff of COVID, and commissioned a letter from a doctor to support his non action.  Of course he ignores the testimony of doctors who are more qualified and not in the pocket of big pharma.

The lack of competition for a year has caused at least 6 relatively new riders in my area to give up and sell their bikes. Another year and I will do it too.  

A possibility to save trials is to work around NETA, if they will not get going.  Maybe collect results from all the “fun trials” to create some New England  champions.  Would your club participate in something like that ?

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I would have to have more information, but at this time I would not support a Championship of fun event results. Fun events are just that, fun, without the structure that defines a Championship series. Dr. Hub is correct and is a an authority recognized in the world of motorcycling by both the AMA and the FIM. I put my event on the calendar with the hope that it will be a NETA event. I will follow the COVID rules at that time to determine what type event we host. Massachusetts just announce that after March 22, 2021 outdoor venues will be able to have 150 attendees. At 150 we should be able to have an event. The SMC event attracts riders from 6 to 8 states all of which have different quarantine  restrictions. I hope that following the CDC guidelines and getting vaccinations will bring the numbers of COVOD cases down to a level that will allow us to have events. 

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I have to say that Dr Hub Brennan is probably the most respected and qualified person I know. I'll think you'll find that's a widely held opinion throughout the trials community. He has been an NETA member and accomplished rider for over 40 years. He's the personal physician for many NETA riders and even offered to drive me to his office after I cracked my ribs at an event years ago. I'm sure Hub is just as anxious to get things rolling as anyone and his recommendations are genuine - not politically driven.

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I think we should have full contact trials. Imagine how exciting it would be if halfway through a section you get tackled by a competitor. 😁

Seriously this is just cabin fever on steroids. It's not a government plot to kill trials. Having said that it is worth keeping an eye open as there are groups that would like to see us banned and I wouldn't put it past them to try to use this crisis or any other to advance their agenda. To that point keeping a low profile is greatly to our advantage. All you need is someone pointing to an event as a spreader event to put us on the radar. Not to mention the insurance implications and the general devastation a Covid cluster centered on an NETA event would have on the membership. If we lose another year of NETA events so be it. We can still practice and tweak bkes. Yes I miss all my flying monkeys. But I'm not willing to sacrifice them for the slim chance of a plastic trophy. 

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I've been riding full contact for years now - with the ground.

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How about "dodge ball trials" where your competitors throw large purple exercise balls at you mid-section?

Throwers must be at least 6 feet away to maintain safe social distancing.

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@chuckI would like to see you back down on the personal attacks on myself, and others, and instead try to focus on the facts rather than your assumptions, which have already proven to be incorrect most, if not all of the time. Nobody here in NETA is "scared stiff" as you incorrectly stated here. Watch your demeanor online before you are tarred and feathered by the Trials Community for such inane and rude commentary. There are many better ways to communicate without the need for making it personal, or political. You would not get away speaking so rudely in person, so please do not attempt to do so here either, Thank You.

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Posted by: @dscarbro


How about "dodge ball trials" where your competitors throw large purple exercise balls at you mid-section?

Throwers must be at least 6 feet away to maintain safe social distancing.

I’m in. Do the throwers get points?

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Hello all, new guy here and potential new member to NETA. Just out of curiosity what clubs are planning on doing events in 2021 ? I'm just looking to gauge if there will be anything happening seeing how schedules for other orgs have been out for sometime now. 

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Posted by: @dan-williams
Posted by: @dscarbro


How about "dodge ball trials" where your competitors throw large purple exercise balls at you mid-section?

Throwers must be at least 6 feet away to maintain safe social distancing.

I’m in. Do the throwers get points?

Extra points for wheelies

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