Annual Meeting Report

The annual meeting & banquet was held January 22, 2022. The business part of the meeting was congenial and ended early. The raffle following the banquet raised a little over $500. 72 admissions were sold.

Rule Changes

  • Senior C riders will now ride 3 loops instead of 4
  • Revised “hand off the handlebar” failure rule
  • Revised End of year points calculation: 2 Throwaways for greater than 8 events; 1 Throwaway for 8 or less events
  • Rider fund eligibility revised. NETA to match calculated rider funds.

For more information, consult the 2022 Rule Book.

Event Schedule

There will be 8 events this season. The traditional beginning of the season trials school will be held at RITC on April 24th. The first event of the season is at Meriden on May 1st. The dates and venues for the entire season are listed on the Events page.

Gary Bourque

Hall of Fame of the North American Trials Council is the highest honor of the Council.  The members are outstanding trials riders and those who have been of great service to the sport.  The motto PRAESTANTES JUDICIO ET SERVICE means outstanding trials and service.  The aim of the Hall of Fame is designed to preserve the past, honor excellence and connect generations.

At the banquet it was announced Gary Bourque has been inducted into the NATC Hall of Fame for 2022.