NETA 2020 Schedule and Covid-19 Updates

Hello all NETA Members and Family,

With all the goings-on surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, it is time for an update in regards to how it is affecting our proposed NETA schedule for the 2020 season.

Sadly the various limitations that have been set in place in response to the spread of the virus have clearly prevented us from implementing the schedule as written thus far. Even worse there have been extensions to many of these on a state to state basis, and at this point, the state of Rhode Island has banned the gathering of any large groups of people until the end of the summer at least, and Connecticut still has similar limitations at this time, as well as Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, and Maine.

To be clear, we are NOT intending to cancel the entire season and will be looking ahead to the time when 100 or more people will be allowed to gather in one location before reinstating the schedule as currently written. There will be every effort made to provide at least a 30-day notice to all involved when the time comes for the next event to be held. 

Some of the Trialsmasters have been discussing alternate dates for the events that have been canceled with the following proposals thus far :

Meriden Oct 4th 

Springfield Nov 8th

At this time it would not seem feasible to try to gather “Season Points” for any championships for the 2020 season, as the total number of events held in the shortened season would not likely allow for everyone to earn their work credits with only enough time a few events being left after the limitations on groups of people over 100 have been removed. This leaves us with the option of having whatever events we can squeeze in on a week to week basis, and at least we can start to get our NETA Family back together again after such a long and unfortunate delay.

It should be mentioned that the NETA Board has every intention of issuing some credits for those who have already sent in their memberships for 2020, and my instincts are leaning towards a 50% reduction in season membership fees for anyone who signs up for the 2020 season. So those who have already sent in your fee’s at full price could expect a 50% credit towards your 2021 membership, and those who sign up between now and the end of the 2020 season will be charged only half the usual cost of membership. Another option here would be to waive all membership fees for the 2020 season and roll any existing memberships forward from 2020 to 2021. As of now, the board is tied on the vote for this aspect of the membership fees, and we still have many other hurdles to cross until we can determine just how much of our event schedule can be utilized/ rescheduled.  We will reconvene on this in the near future and report back again on this and any other updates at the same time.

I’m sure there are many other questions yet to be answered as time goes by, but this is where we find ourselves for now, and we must all do our best to stay safe, strong, and positive until better days prevail. Although these times have brought on many unprecedented difficulties, I am very confident that the strong bond of the NETA Family will shine through when the time has finally arrived for our events schedule to resume!

As always, anyone with any questions or concerns is always welcome to reach out to me directly, and I will always be ready to do my best to help in any way possible.

Best Regards to All, for Better Days Ahead,

Stuart Preston – NETA President 

207-337-1274 anytime