2020 NETA Season and COVID-19

Hello to all of our NETA friends and families,

 It is with a heavy heart that I write this today. After many months of uncertainty, the NETA season for 2020 will have to be postponed altogether. When this COVID-19 issue surfaced back in the month of March, we were all hopeful for a chance for at least a partial season to be able to take place later on in the 2020 season, but now as we enter the month of August some 6 months later, it has remained evident that there are simply too many unanswerable questions to allow us to hold any NETA sanctioned events in 2020. With so much uncertainty as to where our government regulations and limitations are currently standing, as well as where they might end up in the near future, it is simply not worth the potential risk for liability should any future cases emerge as a result of potential exposure at a NETA sanctioned event. To be sure, any future litigations that could emerge would be directed at the NETA Board, and this is a risk that I do not want to see us take. 

With the recent announcement of the NATC to cancel the Nationals we are also making the same choice, and with our fingers crossed for better circumstances to prevail for 2021. Until that time, local groups who wish to hold any “unofficial” or “fun” events will have to get us through, and hopefully, a few such gatherings will occur responsibly during the remainder of 2020. 

With hopes for a brighter outlook for future,

Stuart Preston  –  NETA President